
May 24-27 English Power Week III with- Guide Program.  Location details furnished upon registration.   Facility Fee $550 LINK Tuition is by Donation (Minimum Suggested Donation is $2000)

May 28-30 English CM III in Brigham City $1800  LINK  AWMP & Audit Discount $1400  LINK Facility Fee $300  LINK

May 31 -June 3 Vision Quest in Brigham and Bear Lake $700  LINK Facility Fee $200 (Estimated) Handing Down June 3rd LINK

June  4-5 Celtic Shamanic 13 Initiations Handing Down with Spells and Charms, Tuition is by Donation (Minimum Suggested Donation is $1000) Facility Fee $650  Link

June 6-7 Advanced Guide Training and Handing Down with Isis Temple, Manifesting Miracles, Anchoring Higher Self, Amun Ra Protection Ritual, and more… Tuition $1000 LINK Facility Fee $350 LINK

July 7-11  Asia   Haniel Ray Teacher’s Program in Shanghai, China with Live Webcast $2250 LINK Know Thyself Discount Link:  $1917  LINK Apprentice Discount $1800 LINK Audit Discount (Limited to Online Participation) $1575 LINK

July 12-13 Asia  7th Ray Mystery School Advanced DNA Reading Training, 24 Strand DNA Activation Teacher’s Handing Down, Starseed Healing and Unified Chakra Awakening Handing Down Shanghai with Live Webcast $1250.00 LINK Apprentice Discount $1000 LINK Audit Discount (Limited to Online Participation) $900 LINK

July 14-16  Asia  CM I and II Combo in Shanghai China  with Live Webcast $1600 LINK Apprentice Discount $1280 LINK  Audit Discount $1255 LINK

POWER WEEK I 2023   August 9- 20th Lodging:  Book on your own.  Do it NOW! Lodging books fast in this popular resort community.  Full Program Discount Tuition $4400 Audit $3000 Email

  • August 9-13 Teachers Program Tuition $1750 LINK Apprentice Discount Tuition $1000  LINK  Tuition Audit Discount $900  LINK Facility Fee $300  LINK
  • August 14-16 CM II Tuition $1500 LINK Apprentice  Discount Tuition $1200 LINK Audit Discount Tuition $1050 LINK Facility Fee $300 LINK
  •  August 17-20 Gifts of the Spirit Intensive Tuition $1750 LINK Discount for Psychic Skills Study Tuition $1375 LINK  Discount Audit Tuition $1350  LINK Facility Fee $350  LINK

Sept 13-17 Asia Gifts of the Spirit Intensive with Translation and with Live Webcast:  Asia Time Zone 9 am- 3 pm Tuition $2050  LINK Tuition Audit Discount $1650 LINK

Sept 24-26 English Advanced Skills Intensive Channeling Seminar with Live Webinar  Garden City, UT Tuition $975 LINK Apprentice Discount or Psychic Skills Tuition $777 LINK  Discount for Audit Tuition $777  LINK  Facility Fee $150 LINK  We welcome all graduates of Gifts of the Spirit Intensive Years 2014-2022

October 26-29 Qabalah Ascension Symposium in St. George, UT Intensive In Person Seminar and LIVE WEBINAR for Auditing Guides Tuition $2222.00  LINK Apprentice Discount Tuition $1875.00 LINK  Audit Discount Tuition $1500.00 LINK Facility Fee For Those Attending in Person $300 LINK  October 30 Qabalah Teacher’s Program Intensive in Person Seminar:  Tuition $1500  LINK Facility Fee $200 LINK

TBA November or December  Asia Qabalah Symposium with Chinese translation with Live Webcast Daily at 5:30 pm to 12:00 am $2222 LINK Apprentice Discount $1875 LINK Audit Discount $1500 LINK

Note: We have changed payment policies: Our Tuition Prices are Standardized between Global Programs and Utah Programs.
To Make this standardization possible but accommodate fluctuating expenses from location to location we add a Facility Charge which covers the actual Costs of the program shared by all attending.