Category Archives: Welcome: Our Mission and Our Team

2024 Seminar and Webinar Schedule

Seminars 2024   March 15-22, 2024 Power Week III March 15-19 – Guide Program with Mandarin Translation.  Location details furnished upon registration.   English Language Facility Fee $550 LINK Mandarin Language Facility Fee $1200 LINK Tuition is by Donation (Minimum Suggested … Continue reading

2023 North America Seminar Schedule

Sept 13-17 Asia Gifts of the Spirit Intensive with Translation and with Live Webcast:  Asia Time Zone 9 am- 3 pm Tuition $2050  LINK Tuition Audit Discount $1650 LINK  Sept 22-24 English Advanced Skills Intensive Channeling Seminar with Live Webinar  … Continue reading

2023 Asia Webinar Schedule

Switch to draftPreview(opens in a new tab)UpdateAdd title Asia Webinars Information: 今天就免費獲得 AWMP學徒方案、靈媒技能訓練與卡巴拉生命之樹簡介線上音檔 AWMP Year of Study Apprenticeship: 加入靈性神祕學學院分佈全球的光行者,在這條光的路徑上真正「認識你自己」!EMAIL 卡巴拉年度團體研習課程 2023/3 陸續開課 卡巴拉年度團體研習課程 2023/3 陸續開課 據說卡巴拉生命之樹的教導是三千年前由大天使麥達昶(Archangel Metatron)傳授給所羅門王的;當第一個男人及女人因為食用了禁忌的知識之樹上的果實而被逐出天堂時,神授意智慧的大天使拉吉爾(Archangel Raziel) 將關於生命之樹的奧秘告知他們,目的是賦予人類能夠在地球上再度復興伊甸園(天堂)的工具。 在世界各地不同的文化中皆有與卡巴拉生命之樹相關的傳承,同時它背後所運作的強大能量不但孕育了西方傳統神秘學的主流(如:歐洲的黃金黎明會),也影響了西方歷史的進程。幾百年以來,許多人已藉由研習這些工具成就個人的進化,和創造了內在及外在的轉變。這讓他們體驗到如同煉金術魔法般的生命歷程,並得以重拾內心的平靜、頭腦的清明,及喚醒個人獨特的天賦,進而能更為全面地與光一同工作,及開展服務的機會。 卡巴拉之中總共有十個主要的天體,分別象徵不同的品質和創造的力量。「因為有上,所以有下」,在上為「靈」的世界,以及在下為物理世界,而卡巴拉便是將隱藏於更高靈性維度的神聖潛能彰顯於物質時空的重要媒介。 卡巴拉天體年度研習導論提供了一個生命之樹的概述,及我們用於進化的技術介紹。你將會於報名之後立即收到此音檔的下載連結,並可以即刻開始你初步的學習! 【卡巴拉天體年度研習課程簡介】 為期一年的學習過程為每個月一次,共11個月的線上研習課程,而每次的課程都將在各個特定的天體上工作。每一個線上研習課程都包含一份中英雙語PDF教材,當中的內容充滿許多鍛鍊和冥想的練習來支持你在生命之樹中揚昇的進程。 每一場線上研習課程介於三到四個小時,並包含線上即時中文口譯,這讓你可以分享你的體悟,提交問題,和享受團體的協同作用。並且每次線上研習課程結束之後也將提供當次的回放及音檔下載連結,讓參加的學員可依據個人的步調來學習。 ❃備註:卡巴拉天體年度研習是現場卡巴拉揚昇密集課程的先修課。 ❃備註:作為一位卡巴拉教師的完整認證需成為一位引導者(第三階啟蒙者),和完成三階的儀式大師課程;同時也需完成進階卡巴拉路徑運作年度研習及參與卡巴拉教師方案。我要~報名! 赫密士塔羅基礎線上研討會 2023/2/12開課 … Continue reading

2022 Seminar and Webinar Schedule

2022 Seminar and Webinar Schedule Jan 13 – 14th English Language Only Basic Guide Program in St. George, Utah Tuition is by Donation (Minimum Suggested Donation is $2000) Jan 15-16 English Language Only Guide Handing Down Program in St. George, … Continue reading

2021 Power Week Programs

2021 English Language Power Week I.   In Person Workshops and Gifts of the Spirit Intensive Live Webinar  Dates: August 10-18, 2021  10 am to 7 pm daily (MDT)Power Week 2021    Registration is Open! PROGRAMS:  Ceremonial Master I and II … Continue reading

Welcome to Our Website

Triolite, Inc. is a Seminar Production Company. We have been in business since 1997. We are experienced in facilitating seminars locally as well globally Triolite Seminars, workshops, intensives, and retreats are specialized, custom designed, skill focused programs designed to meet the … Continue reading

We Are Grateful For You!

Here in the United States today is the  national holiday known as Thanksgiving. The tradition is to be with family and friends and share a fabulous meal.  We always eat too much.  We celebrate our abundance and express gratitude for … Continue reading


“I am grateful for all of my problems. After each one was overcome, I became stronger and more able to meet those that were still to come. I grew in all my difficulties.” ~James Cash Penney 1875-1971, Founder of J.C. … Continue reading


“Happiness or misery is a direct result of our daily actions, not someone else’s.” ~author unknown

“Life’s blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed at the fire of enthusiasm.” ~Norman Vincent Peale

October 2024