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Feb,  18

2024 Seminar and Webinar Schedule

Seminars 2024  
March 15-22, 2024 Power Week III

March 15-19 – Guide Program with Mandarin Translation.  Location details furnished upon registration.   English Language Facility Fee $550 LINK Mandarin Language Facility Fee $1200 LINK Tuition is by Donation (Minimum Suggested Donation is $2000)  Location:  St. George, UT Email for Venue details:.  EMAIL
March 20-22 – Ceremonial Master Program with Mandarin Translation:  Location details furnished upon registration: Tuition $1800  LINK  AWMP & Audit Discount $1400  LINK English Facility Fee $300  LINK  Mandarin Language Facility Fee $450  LINK

March 23-28, 2024:  Power Week II Healing Intensive with Mandarin Translation:  Etheric Healing Practioner and Teacher Certification and Ceremonial Healing Practioner and Teacher Certification No Initiation Required for Practioner level, Guide Initiation and 50 Sessions are required for Teacher Certification!  Pre-Requisites are the Intro to Etheric Healing Webinar OR Etheric Healing Basic with a Guide and Introduction to Ceremonial Healing Webinar.  Note: Etheric Healing and Intro to Ceremonial Healing Webinars are Included in Tuition.   

March 23-25 – Etheric Healing Intensive Certification Program LINK  Audit/Teacher $875 LINK  AWMP Discount $1000 LINK  Mandarin Language Facility Fee $500 LINK  English Facility Fee $250  LINK    

March 26-28 – Qabalistic Ceremonial Healing Modality Certification Program LINK  Audit $880 LINK  AWMP Discount $900 LINK Mandarin Facility Fee $500  LINK English Facility Fee $200  LINK  

May 17-21, 2024  Asia 7th Ray Teacher’s Program in Taipei, Taiwan and Beijing China with Live Webcast $2250 LINK  Apprentice Discount $1800 LINK Audit Discount (Limited to Online Participation) $1575 LINK  June 8-10, 2024  Asia  CM I and II Combo in Shanghai China  with Live Webcast $1600 LINK Apprentice Discount $1280 LINK  Audit Discount $1255 LINK    
7th Ray POWER WEEK I August 9- 16, 2024  Lodging:  Lodging books fast in this popular resort community.  Do it NOW!  Book on your own through Bear Lake Lodging phone 435-603-0062. Fly into Salt Lake International Airport in Salt Lake City, UT.  Rental car to Garden City, Utah. LINK  Apprentice Discount Tuition $1000  LINK  Tuition Audit Discount $900  LINK Facility Fee $300  LINK   LINK  Apprentice  Discount Tuition $1200 LINK Audit Discount Tuition $1050 LINK Facility Fee $300 LINK 

Sept 12-15, 2024 Asia Qabalah Ascension Symposium in Taipei Taiwan Intensive In Person Seminar and LIVE WEBINAR for Auditing Guides Tuition $2222.00  LINK Apprentice Discount Tuition $1875.00 LINK  Audit Discount Tuition $1500.00 LINK

Sept 13-17 Asia Gifts of the Spirit Intensive with  Translation and with Live Webcast:  Asia Time Zone 9 am- 3 pm Tuition $2050  LINK Tuition Audit Discount $1650 LINK   

October 3-6, 2024  1st Time Offered!!  Gifts of the Spirit Intensive Webinar. This program is included in AWMP Apprenticeship.  Email to register Tuition Tuition $1750 LINK  Discount for Psychic Skills Study Tuition $1375 LINK  Discount Audit Tuition $1350  LINK

Nov 9-11, 2024 Asia Advanced Skills Intensive Channeling Seminar with Live Webinar  Taipei Taiwan Tuition $975 LINK Apprentice Discount or Psychic Skills Tuition $777 LINK  Discount for Audit Tuition $777  LINK  Facility Fee $150 LINK  We welcome all graduates of Gifts of the Spirit Intensive Years 2014-2022

Tentative October 25- 28, 2024 Qabalah Ascension Symposium  Intensive In- Person and Hybrid Program (Remote Locations Link in Via Webinar) Seminar:  Location – TBA Tuition $1500  LINK Facility Fee $200 LINK

Tentative October 29, 2024 QBL Teacher’s Program Intensive In- Person Only Training with Handing Down:  Location – TBA

English Webinars 2024  
Know Thyself:  Success in Lightwork Webinar $333 LINk   Discount  Apprentices and all attending Teacher’s Program  $111  LINK

What is the Light Body and The Process of Spiritual Evolution Webinar $166.50  LINK Discount for Apprentices and all attending Teacher’s Program $55.50 LINK

Adept Theory Webinar  $333 LINK  (Note this Program is included in the Adept Core) LINK 

TBA Meditation Basics Webinar $177 LINK

TBA Stress Management Webinar $77 

Hermetic Alchemy $177  LINK

Hermetic Tarot $377  LINK

Energetic Hygiene:  Dealing With The Things That Go Bump In The Night Webinar $233 LINK (Note this Program is included in the Adept Core)

Gifts of the Spirit Basic $249 LINK (Note this Program is included in the Adept Core)

TBA Galactic Ray Healing Modality $177  LINK TBA Manifesting Miracles $277 LINK

TBA Anchoring the Presence of the Higher Self $250  LINK

TBA Adam Kadmon Theory Webinar  $255 LINK

TBA Teacher’s Core Enrichment Webinar – Basic DNA Reading with Adam Kadmon 24 Strand DNA Activation and 11th Codon Reading.  Pre-Requisite is attendance at Teacher’s Program, years 2007 to 2021.   $577 LINK  

Apprentice Discount $463  LINK

TBA What is a Mystery School Webinar $22 

April 15- The Gates of the Soul – Advanced Qabalah: Pre-requisites are QBL Sphere Working and Pathworking Year of Study Programs  Annual  $1077 LINK 

August 15, 2024 English Language Hermetic Qabalah Sphere Year of Study  2024-2025 Enrollment Opens   $1700 Annual LINK  $175 Monthly LINK:

August 15, 2024 English Language Pathworking Year of Study  2024-2025 Enrollment Opens $2000 Annual LINK  $2000  $200 Monthly  LINK * Note this Year of Study includes Sphere Working

Sept. 30, 2024 English Language Ancient Ways Modern Powers Apprenticeship and Psychic Skills  2024-2025 Enrollment Opens AWMP Annual Full Payment Discount $4400 LINK  or  Downpayment $1250 LINK Monthly $250 LINK Materials Fee $333 LINK    Psychic Skills Annual $1750 LINK  Monthly  $177  LINK  Audit Annual $950 LINK  Audit Monthly  $100  LINK Psychic Skills Materials Fee $150  LINK

Sept. 30, 2024 English Language Ceremonial Master Apprenticeship and Energy Mastery  2024-2025 Opens Annual Full Payment Discount $6700 LINK  or Downpayment $2000 LINK Monthly $200  LINK       Register online: 

©Triolite, Inc.
PO Box 206
Brigham, UT 84302

May,  29

2023 North America Seminar Schedule

Sept 13-17 Asia Gifts of the Spirit Intensive with Translation and with Live Webcast:  Asia Time Zone 9 am- 3 pm Tuition $2050  LINK Tuition Audit Discount $1650 LINK 

Sept 22-24 English Advanced Skills Intensive Channeling Seminar with Live Webinar  Garden City, UT Tuition $975 LINK Apprentice Discount or Psychic Skills Tuition $777 LINK  Discount for Audit Tuition $777  LINK  Facility Fee $150 LINK  We welcome all graduates of Gifts of the Spirit Intensive Years 2014-2022

October 26-29 Qabalah Ascension Symposium in St. George, UT Intensive In Person Seminar and LIVE WEBINAR for Auditing Guides Tuition $2222.00  LINK Apprentice Discount Tuition $1875.00 LINK  Audit Discount Tuition $1500.00 LINK Facility Fee For Those Attending in Person $300 LINK  October 30 Qabalah Teacher’s Program Intensive in Person Seminar:  Tuition $1500  LINK Facility Fee $200 LINK

November 16-20  Asia Qabalah Symposium with Chinese translation with Live Webcast Daily at 9 am to 5 pm $2222 LINK Apprentice Discount $1875 LINK Audit Discount $1500 LINK

Jan,  24

2023 Asia Webinar Schedule

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Asia Webinars Information:



AWMP Year of Study Apprenticeship:


2023/3 陸續開課


2023/3 陸續開課

據說卡巴拉生命之樹的教導是三千年前由大天使麥達昶(Archangel Metatron)傳授給所羅門王的;當第一個男人及女人因為食用了禁忌的知識之樹上的果實而被逐出天堂時,神授意智慧的大天使拉吉爾(Archangel Raziel) 將關於生命之樹的奧秘告知他們,目的是賦予人類能夠在地球上再度復興伊甸園(天堂)的工具。
















Know Thyself







October 2024